Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Small boots and WH Smith haul :)

Hey girlies,

Ran to boots yesterday after reading Jo had been! Got a few things as I had 4 £5 No7/ruby vouchers to spend, woo! 
I was looking for an eye cream but really have no idea what to get!  Any ideas??  All the eye creams I have had just sting like crazy I must have a super duper sensitive eye area :(  Or I am just picking up totally rubbish creams?!! 
I have tried an avon anew eye cream but didn't think too much of it to be honest :(

Anyway this is what I got:

SDC14384.jpg picture by danipoops

I got Lauren's book! yeeey!  Kept meaning to get this, I love Lauren, Im always watching her on youtube and she's from the north! hehe.  Have flicked through it but havent read it properly to be honest. 

Anyone else have this?? :)

From boots I got a face wash, an eye makeup remover and a speed dry nail colour (forgot the name, I am at work blogging at the moment so will get this when I go home) and the sales lady recommended the new Radiance Booster hot cleansing cloth to me so will have to try that out!  Its basically a cream you put all over your face and then you get a muslin cloth inside and you run it under a hot tap, squeeze excess water off and lay with it over your face.  The lady said it was like having a lovely facial at a salon haha so cant wait to try that!

 Byeee x

1 comment:

  1. Hmm not sure what happened to my pic??!!! Been cut in half!!
